sábado, 25 de octubre de 2014

BIGPharma Denme evidencia y no publicidad #NoAdsPlease

(english version below)

Las relaciones de la industria farmacéutica tienen que cambiar. El modelo ya no se sostiene.

La sociedad líquida actual y las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación han puesto en entredicho esa relación al sacar a la luz sus incoherencias. Como médico no quiero una relación con la industria farmacéutica basada en el marketing sino en la evidencia científica. Y una evidencia científica independiente y transparente. Es necesario dejar de jugar con cartas marcadas, es necesario publicar todos los ensayos clínicos disponibles y no solo los que benefician a un producto. Como médico y como sociedad solicito a la industria farmacéutica su colaboración. Si quieren tener credibilidad han de mostrar sus cartas, en caso contrario no tendrán la confianza ni de los médicos ni de la sociedad.

La lista de trampas y subterfugios es larga. Por eso es tiempo de hacer las cosas de otro modo y generar una nueva y necesaria confianza.

Porque sin crecibilidad no hay organización ni industria que se sostenga, por muy lucrativas que sean sus actividades.

El doctor Julio Bonis tuvo la deferencia de compartir conmigo la iniciativa http://noadvertisingplease.org/ que se une a otras como #nogracias que ya existían.

Cualquier médico puede firmar la inciativa aquí. Copio el texto de la misma.

I believe, with the wide availability of independent medication information, I do not require promotional material from visiting sales representatives from pharmaceutical companies (‘Drug Reps’). The primary role of the Drug Rep is marketing: encouraging doctors to prescribe their company’s medications. This conflicts with my role to provide the best evidence-based treatment and independent advice to my patients. I therefore take this ‘No Advertising Please’ pledge and choose not to see Drug Reps at my practice for one year.

Bigpharma: I want evidence, no advertising

The doctor´s relationship with pharmaceutical industry must change. The model no longer holds.

Current liquid society and the Information Technology and Communication have questioned that relationship by exposing their inconsistencies. As a doctor I do not want a relationship with the pharmaceutical industry based on marketing but on scientific evidence. And an independent and transparent scientific evidence. We call the industry to stop playing with marked cards and publish all available clinical trials, not just those affecting positively a product. As a doctor and as society I ask the pharmaceutical industry collaboration. If you want to have credibility you have to show your cards, otherwise you will not have the  doctors and society´s trust.

The list of traps and subterfuges is long. So it's time to do things differently and create a new and necessary confidence.

Because without trust no organization or industry can hold, in spite of their very lucrative activities.

Dr. Julio Bonis had the courtesy to share with me the http://noadvertisingplease.org/ initiative that joins other as #nogracias that already existed.

Every doctor can firm the pledge here.

I believe, with the wide availability of independent medication information, I do not require promotional material from visiting sales representatives from pharmaceutical companies (‘Drug Reps’). The primary role of the Drug Rep is marketing: encouraging doctors to prescribe their company’s medications. This conflicts with my role to provide the best evidence-based treatment and independent advice to my patients. I therefore take this ‘No Advertising Please’ pledge and choose not to see Drug Reps at my practice for one year.

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